Saturday, January 26, 2008

case your pillows.

I have always wanted to make pillow cases for some of my IKEA pillows that need a face lift. However, I am frugal when it comes to spending money on my crafts, and I do not have any zippers, unless I take apart the current cases the decorative pillows are in.

If you have ever bought regular pillow cases from IKEA (the ones for your bed) you know that they have an extra pillow flap on the inside to keep the case from coming off.... so I put together a decorative pillow case out of silk fabric scraps with a fold in the opening to keep the pillow in! Eventually when I find a superb deal on buttons or old zippers I will secure it a little better, but for now this works great!

Side one
Side two
Now if I can only get Jude to sleep on a pillow instead of the computer!
+.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.+ naps.+

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