Monday, January 14, 2008


I love sushi. I love veggie sushi. I really love this new pot holder that looks like some yummy sushi. I took a pattern that was intended for a toilet paper roll cover and modified it to my liking :)
It's perfect for my little All-Clad sauce pan, especially on those chilly mornings making oatmeal and eating it right out of the pan! (Two reasons for this... since we moved we have no microwave and no dishwasher, so I make my oatmeal on the stove and eat right out of the pan to not dirty another dish) oh, and P.S. I love not having a dishwasher or microwave, it really simplifies life a little more ;)
Yesterday was a beautiful CLEAR day! We spent it walking around (of course) and riding the MAX (light rail) to the end of the line.
Mt. St. Helen's, a view from our kitchen
Mt. Hood, a view from the entrance to Washington Park

And, me, posing for one of five pictures Ben took... he wouldn't leave me alone! ha!
+.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.+ and mountains.+

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